Be Whole Be Happy Massage Therapy

Massage therapist treating a client.


Why Massage Therapy?image

Anyone can benefit from skilled human touch. Massage therapy relieves muscle tension and reduces stress and pain. By awakening and nourishing your whole being, massage allows you to function at your best. With the mind at peace, vital energy flowing freely, and muscles and joints moving smoothly, you will feel alive and be more resistant to disease and injury.

Massage is not and should not be a luxury. An excellent form of preventative health care, it will complement your existing therapies and self-care routines, supporting all that is good in your life.

Why Be Whole Be Happy Massage Therapy

I offer therapeutic bodywork to promote and maintain the holistic health of myimage clients. It is my mission to foster your personal growth and healing through attentive and therapeutic touch. Together we will find the proper style, pace, and depth of bodywork to meet the needs of your body, mind, and spirit.

The remarkable training I received at the Connecticut Center For Massage Therapy taught me to view a client as a whole being, not just a collection of muscles. I bring all of myself to my sessions, offering my skills, attention, and calm presence.

All true healing comes from within. I would be honored to be a part of your journey in life.